Pliki do pobrania
Tsar Peter (927-969), the book’s protagonist, is all too frequently presented in modern scholarship as a weak ruler, devoid of any grander political aspirations, focused on religious matters, indeed – pious, but neglecting the vital interests of his subjects. It was said that during his reign both his court and state became Byzantinised, that the central authority was completely helpless in the face of Hungarian raids, and saw the spread of the Bogomilist heresy. According to the Tsar’s critics, it was as a result of his ineffectual rule that Boris II, his son and successor, was unable to defend Bulgaria’s sovereignty in 971.
This book – the first monograph in world literature devoted to Peter – was written by Bulgarian (Miliana Kaymakamova, Georgi N. Nikolov, Angel Nikolov, Nikolay Hrissimov) and Polish medievalists (Miroslaw J. Leszka, Kirił Marinow, Zofia A. Brzozowska Jan M. Wolski). Thanks to a thorough analysis of the sources and an in-depth knowledge of the literature of the subject, they constructed a comprehensive and balanced image of the reign of their protagonist, and of the role he played in the history of mediaeval Bulgaria.
The research project financed by the National Science Centre. Decision number: DEC-2014/14/M/HS3/00758
MIROSŁAW J. LESZKA is full professor in the Department of Byzantine History, Faculty of Philosophy and History, University of Łódź. His scholarly interests include imperial power in the early and middle Byzantine periods, the role of women at the court in Constantinople, and especially the history of Bulgaria (seventh- to eleventh-century). He is the author or coauthor of eight books as well as over 160 articles and reviews.
KIRIŁ MARINOW is an adjunct in the Department of Byzantine History in the Faculty of Philosophy and History at the University of Łódź. He specializes in historical geography and geopolitics of the medieval Balkans, Byzantine military history, and history of medieval Bulgaria, especially its relations with the Byzantine Empire. He has authored or coauthored over seventy multilingual publications on these subjects
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