Pliki do pobrania
The aim of the book is to show the reader the commanders of the early Byzantine army during the times of emperors Zeno (474–491) and Anastasius I (491–518). The authors focused on the role that selected commanders played in the empire’s military struggles with hostile peoples and states. Researchers are also interested in their role in the political life of the empire. Presenting profiles representative of the military elite of the empire from the years 474–518 gave the authors the opportunity to trace their path to the highest military positions, family connections, and involvement in religious and cultural life.
The book is divided into five basic parts. The first part addresses the topic of organization and the problem of the size of the army of the late Roman Empire and early Byzantium. The second one discusses the policy of emperors Zeno and Anastasius I regarding the appointment of magisters militum. The third one describes the most important opponents of the Byzantine Empire, with whom the leaders appointed by Zeno and Anastasius had to fight, namely the Ostrogoths, Persians and Bulgars. The fourth part shows the involvement of representatives of the military elite in usurpations and rebellions in the times of Zeno and Anastasius I. Finally, the fifth part includes ten exemplary biographies of militum magisters active in the times of Zeno and Anastasius I (Areobindus, Armatus, Hypatius, Illus, John the Scythian, Leontius, Patricius, Pharesmanes, Sabinianus Magnus, Trocundes). Texts published in this volume are organized, as far as the sources permitted, according to the following scheme: descent, education, career (civil and military), picture in the sources, family, and military duties.
The research project financed by the National Science Centre. Decision number: DEC-2018/31/B/HS3/03038 (Eastern Roman Military Elites from Theodosius II to Anastasius I (408–518). A Socio-Political Study)
Mirosław J. Leszka (b. 1963), full professor at the Department of Byzantine History, Faculty of Philosophy and History, University of Lodz. His scholarly interests include imperial power in the early and middle Byzantine periods, the history of Constantinople, military elites in the 5th–6th centuries and the history of Bulgaria in the 7th–12th centuries. He is the author or co-author 14 books as well as over 200 articles and reviews.
Szymon Wierzbiński (b. 1983) is an employee of the Lodz University of Technology at the Faculty of Organization and Management (PhD at the University of Lodz in 2013). His main research interests concern military history, with particular emphasis on written sources in the field of Byzantine polemology in the 10th century. He is the author or co-author of three monographs and several scientific articles. He is an associate of the Department of Byzantine History at the University of Lodz, a member of the Waldemar Ceran Research Centre for the History and Culture of the Mediterranean Area and South-East Europe Ceraneum and the Byzantinological Commission of the Polish Historical Society.
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