Pliki do pobrania
This monograph is an outcome of research completed within the Visegrad Grant “Workplace Whistleblower Protection in the V4 Countries, France and Slovenia” – WhistlePro (2020–2021), financed from the International Visegrad Fund. The project aims to contribute to the improvement of the legal framework in the Visegrad countries concerning the protection of workplace whistleblowers and, indirectly, to the change of workers’ attitudes towards whistleblowing.
Contributions prepared by legal experts from various countries and universities concern matters of universal importance such as freedom of expression relative to whistleblowing, personal scope of the EU Whistleblower Protection Directive (2019/1937) or personal data protection. They also discuss the legal situation concerning whistleblower protection in the Visegrad countries, France and Slovenia and present recommendations for changes in the respective countries. The monograph culminates with a summary of proposals for the improvement of the legal situation of persons disclosing breaches of law in the work-related context.
Given its topicality and in-depth analysis of legal problems related to adequate whistleblower protection, the book may be of interest to academics, practitioners, social partners, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and policy makers in the process of the EU Whistleblower Protection Directive transposition in Member States.
This publication was made possible through Visegrad Grant (No. 21930021) Workplace Whistleblower Protection in the V4 Countries, France and Slovenia (WhistlePro) from the International Visegrad Fund
Dr hab., Professor at the University of Lodz, Faculty of Law and Administration, and an attorney at law at the Bar of Lodz. Author of monographs and other publications on Polish and European labour law in Poland and abroad. Speaker at Polish and international congresses and conferences Associate member of the International Academy of Comparative Law (AIDC-IACL). Member of the European Trade Union Institute’s “Worker Participation Europe network”. Former chairperson of the Polish section of Henri Capitant Association des amis de la culture juridique française (2012–2018). At present, coordinator of the Visegrad Grant Workplace Whistleblower Protection in the V4 Countries, France and Slovenia (WhistlePro).
Dr hab., Professor at the Department of European Constitutional Law, University of Lodz, member of the Migration Law Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, attorney, member of the Human Rights Committee of the National Bar of Attorneys, head of the Legal Department of the Local Government of the City of Łódź Office.
Zbigniew Hajn graduated in law from the University of Lodz, has worked there ever since and is currently Full Professor and head of the Chair of European, International and Collective Labour Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration. From 2003, he was a judge of the Supreme Court, retiring in 2016. In addition, he was a member of the Labour Law Codification Commission (2002 to 2006) as well as a member of the Legislative Council (2006). From 1996 to 2009, he was the deputy editor-in-chief of the periodical Studia Prawno-Europejskie (Studies on European Law). At present, he is a member of the scientific councils of the periodicals Europejski Przegląd Sądowy (European Court Review) and Monitor Prawa Pracy (Labour Law Monitor) as well as a member of the editorial committee of the Państwo i Prawo (State and Law) monthly. His scholarly achievements include publications. Among these are books on the legal position of the employer, the legal position of employer organizations and the collective labour law system. He is also the editor and co-author of books on union representation at the workplace, free movement of workers within the EU, legal problems of workplace democracy, labour law in Poland (for the International Encyclopaedia of Labour Law and Industrial Relations), commentary to the labour code and others.
Associate Professor and Director of the Master course in employment law at the University of Tours. She specializes in private law and labour law. Her research is concerned with the relationship between labour law and economics. Her PhD thesis, written at the University of Nantes, examines the economic analysis of labour law.
Full Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Maribor, where she is engaged in teaching labour law and social security law. She is the vice-dean for research and international relations at the Faculty, head of the Labour Law Department and head of the Institute for Employment Relations and Social Security at the Faculty. She is the author or co-author of a number of monographs, including a commentary on the Slovene employment relations act, and the author of many research articles published in legal journals and anthologies. Furthermore, she has been an active participant in many national and international law conferences and research projects. Darja Senčur Peček is a member of the editorial board of some distinguished Slovene law reviews – Pravnik (The Lawyer), Podjetje in delo (Company and Labour) and Delavci in delodajalci (Employees & Employers). In addition, she is the vice-president of the Slovenian Business Law Association.
JUDoc., PhD, an academic counselor and faculty member at the Department of Labour Law and Social Security Law at the Faculty of Law of Charles University, where he teaches primarily labour law and social security law and serves as a guarantor of several select subjects. He also conducts academic research. Between 2010 and 2012, he worked at the Office for Personal Data Protection, where he was the head of the Department of Legal Support and Schengen Cooperation. Jakub Morávek writes regularly for specialized periodicals and is the author or co-author of several publications (such as Labour-Law Case Studies, Public Servants Act, Commentary, About Authors 249 Personal Data Protection in Labour-Law Relations, and Agency Employment in Broader Context). Jakub Morávek has successfully authored or co-authored a number of grant projects (e.g. GAČR, GAUK). He is a member and vice-president of the Czech Society for Labour Law and Social Security Law. In 2012, he was awarded the title Lawyer of the Year in the category Talent of the Year. Jakub Morávek is also attorney at law in Prague.
Professor at the Faculty of Law and head of the Department of Labour and Social Security Law at the Faculty of Law at Charles University (Prague), where he began his career after graduating from studies at this faculty. He is the author or the head of the team of authors of numerous books and scholarly papers focused primarily on issues surrounding labour law. Moreover, he has also made significant contributions to many textbook publications and prestigious commentaries in the area of labour law. He mostly publishes with the publishing houses of C.H. Beck and Wolters Kluwer (in the Czech Republic) as well as Kluwer Law International. Besides publication and academic activities, Jan Pichrt has practiced as an attorney at law for many years. He is an arbitrator entered into the list of arbitrators of the Arbitration Court of the Economic Chamber and Agricultural Chamber of the Czech Republic. He is also president of the Czech Society for Labour Law and Social Security Law and vice-president of the International Society for Labour and Social Security Law (ISLSSL).
Professor of labour law and head of the Department of Labour Law and Social Security at the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary (KRE), Faculty of Law, Hungary (Budapest). He is also a part-time scholar at the National University of Public Service (NKE), Department of Human Resources. He is a member of the MTA (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) – PTE Research Group of Comparative and European Employment Policy and Labour Law. He is the national coordinator and member of the Hungarian Labour Advisory and Dispute Settlement Service (MTVSZ). He has been a visiting scholar at numerous foreign universities (e.g. University of Tokyo; Institute for Labour Law and Industrial Relations in the European Union at Trier University; Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg; University of Amsterdam; Erasmus teaching staff mobility in several countries) and a member of numerous (including EU-funded and other) international research projects. He is a member of several academic networks (e.g.: ILO CEELex Network; Advisory Committee of the LLRN; Hungarian Labour Law Association; Academic network on the OECD Guidelines for MNEs; Organising Committee of the Hugo Sinzheimer Moot Court Competition, HS MCC; national coordinator of the ISLSSL’s Hungarian youth section etc.). He holds the Marco Biagi Prize 2011 (together with Beryl ter Haar from the Netherlands and Manuel Antonio García-Muńoz Alhambra from Spain), awarded by the Association of Labour Law Journals.
PhD, previously General Inspector of Personal Data Protection and President of the Personal Data Protection Office ((2015–2019), assistant professor at the Department of Labor Law, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Lodz, the Data Protection Officer University of Lodz, lecturer, trainer. She graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz. She was awarded the academic degree of PhD in law and was employed as Assistant Professor at the Chair of Labour Law of UL Faculty of Law and Administration in 2003. In 2013, she became head of the Chair of the Centre for Personal Data Protection and Information Management at UL Faculty of Law and Administration. She teaches subjects related to personal data protection, labour law and economic migration abroad. She organised conferences and debates on personal data issues. She is the author of over 40 studies and legal opinions on labour law, labour market and personal data protection matters, participant in research projects. Her research interests include first of all issues concerning the protection of employees’ personal rights, medical data, and monitoring and the protection of personal data in the employment context. She is likewise interested is the subject of whistleblowers, protection of their personal data and the right to privacy.
Associate Professor at the Department of International Law and European Law, Faculty of Law, Trnava University. In his research, he deals with European Union law, EU competition law and anti-discrimination law. He is the chair of the Administrative Board of the Slovak National Centre for Human Rights, which is the Slovak equality body and the National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) in the Slovak Republic.
Lecturer at the Department of Labour Law and Social Security Law, Faculty of Law, Trnava University. She completed her doctoral studies at the Department of Civil Law and Commercial Law in 2019 with a thesis titled “Restitution after Termination and Invalidity of Contracts”. In her academic and professional work, she focuses mainly on the issue of non-contractual obligations, especially unjustified enrichment and liability, primarily liability for damage.
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