Pliki do pobrania
The monograph book Rome and Iberia. Inspirations and Connections throughout History tries to fill a gap in the market of scientific publications, showing the connections between ancient Rome and the Iberian Peninsula. These relations still interest researchers representing various scientific disciplines, both in Poland and abroad. The book opens with a part devoted to linguistic issues, focused on the heritage of Latin in Spanish. The second part deals with literature in its broadest sense, from the works of authors such as Martialis and Pliny, through the Latin love songs of Ripoll, the fifteenth-century work of John of Stobnica, to the ancient ekphrasis present in the literature of seventeenth-century Spain. Also represented is the literature of Portugal, which looked to ancient mythology for the origins of the country. Subsequent chapters of the book deal with history and archaeology, introducing - on the basis of literary texts and archaeological remains, inscriptions or coins - studies of the imperial cult in the Spanish provinces of Rome, military issues, political coalitions, Roman law, as well as contemporary evocations of ancient figures as personal models for later European leaders. The monograph also includes chapters on amphorae and temples, which are tangible traces of the relationships studied, left over from ancient cultural and commercial exchanges.
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Opublikowane: 6 marca 2025
Monografia „Łódź poprzez wieki. Historia miasta” redagowana przez naukowców z Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego zdobyła już rzeszę oddanych czytelników. Tymczasem w Wydawnictwie UŁ ukazała się kolejna książka o naszym mieście...
Opublikowane: 6 marca 2025
Zapraszamy na spotkanie wokół książki „Niezależni producenci. Studio Filmowe im. Karola Irzykowskiego w latach 1981–2005”.
Opublikowane: 30 stycznia 2025
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